A struggling songwriter named Dave Seville finds success when he comes across a trio of singing chipmunks: mischievous leader Alvin, brainy Simon, and chubby, impressionable...
Director Rebecca Robertson, Tim Hill
Genres Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Casts Adam Riancho, Adriane Lenox, Alexis Boyd, Allison Karman, Axel Alba, Beth Riesgraf, Brianna Womick, Bryan Gaw, Cameron Richardson, Celestina Aladekoba, Chris Classic, Chris Rossi, Christopher Scott, Colette Claire, Criscilla Anderson, David Cross, Don Tiffany, Eddie Mariano, Erin Chambers, Frank Maharajh, Greg 'G-Spot' Siebel, Gregg Lee, Jameel Saleem, Jane Lynch, Janice Karman, Jason Lee, Jay Bird, Jayden Lund, Jesse McCartney, Jillian Barberie, Justin Long, Kevin Fisher, Kevin Fung, Kevin Symons, Kira Verrastro, Kyndra Reevey, Laura Edwards, Lisa Mason Lee, Lorne Green, Maria Zambrana, Matthew Gray Gubler, Meghan Noone, Melanie Lewis, Melanie Stephens, Michelle Maniscalco, Miss Prissy, Natalie Cohen, Nick Drago, Oliver Muirhead, Rae Sunshine Lee, Rosero McCoy, Ross Bagdasarian, Jr., Sommer Fehmel, Steve Vining, Tiara Parker, Tucker Barkley, Veronica Alicino