Set fifteen years after the original film, The Exorcist III centers around the philosophical Lieutenant William F. Kinderman who is investigating a baffling series of...
Director William Peter Blatty
Genres Horror, Mystery
Casts Alex Zuckerman, Alexis Chieffet, Amelia Campbell, Barbara Baxley, Bobby Deren, Brad Dourif, Brad Waller, C. Everett Koop, Charles Edwin Powell, Cherie Baron, Chuck Kinlaw, Cindy Cullom, Clifford David, Clinton Brandhagen, Colleen Dewhurst, Danny Epper, David Dwyer, Debra Port, Demetrios Pappageorge, Don Gordon, Ed Flanders, Edward Lynch, Fabio, Gary Wheeler, George C. Scott, George DiCenzo, Grand L. Bush, Harry Carey, James Burgess, Jan Neuberger, Jan Smook, Jason Miller, Jeff Henry, Jodi Long, John Coe, John Durkin, John Thompson, Jr., Kathy Gerber, Ken Lerner, Kevin Corrigan, Larry King, Lee Richardson, Lois Foraker, Manley Pope, Mary Jackson, Michael Criscuolo, Michael Tove, Nancy Fish, Nicol Williamson, Nina Hansen, Patrick Ewing, Patt Noday, Peggy Alston, Randy Aaron Fink, Ryan Paul Amick, Samuel L. Jackson, Scott Wilson, Shane Wexel, Sherrie Wills, Teresa Wright, Tracy Thorne, Tyra Ferrell, Viveca Lindfors, Walt MacPherson, William Preston, Zohra Lampert