After overhearing a shocking secret, precocious orphan Lyra Belacqua trades her carefree existence roaming the halls of Jordan College for an otherworldly adventure in the...
Director Chris Weitz, David Daniels, Edward Brett, Iain Lawrence, Kim Whittaker, Michael L. Fink, Nikki Clapp, Peter MacDonald, Richard Goodwin, Terry Needham, Tommy Gormley, Vic Armstrong, William Dodds
Genres Adventure, Fantasy
Casts Albert Kenrick, Alexander Mercury, Alfred Harmsworth, Ben Walker, Bill Hurst, Brian Nickels, Charles Evanson, Charlie Rowe, Chris Abbott, Christopher Lee, Clare Higgins, Dakota Blue Richards, Daniel Craig, David Forman, David Garrick, Derek Jacobi, Edward de Souza, Elliot Cowan, Eva Green, Freddie Highmore, Gary Kane, Habib Nasib Nader, Hattie Morahan, Hewson Osbourne, Ian McKellen, Ian McShane, Jack Shepherd, James Rawlings, Jason Watkins, Jim Carter, Joao de Sousa, Jody Halse, John Bett, John Cartier, John Franklyn-Robbins, Jonathan Laury, Kathy Bates, Kristin Scott Thomas, Madrios Ohannessian, Magda Szubanski, Mark Mottram, Michael Antoniou, Nicole Kidman, Patrick Cleary, Paul Antony-Barber, Sam Elliott, Sam Hoare, Sandra Wolfe, Simon McBurney, Spencer Wilding, Steven Loton, Tarek Khalil, Theo Fraser Steele, Thomas Arnold, Tom Courtenay, Tommy Luther