The mostly true story of the legendary “worst director of all time”, who, with the help of his strange friends, filmed countless B-movies without ever...
Director Gregory Kent Simmons, Janna Stern, Mike Topoozian, Tim Burton
Genres Comedy, Drama, History
Casts Ada Tai, Adam Drescher, Anthony Russell, Arlene Tai, Ben Ryan Ganger, Biff Yeager, Bill Cusack, Bill Murray, Bobby Slayton, Brent Hinkley, Carmen Filpi, Catherine Butterfield, Charles C. Stevenson Jr., Charlie Holliday, Clive Rosengren, Conrad Brooks, Daniel Riordan, Danny Dayton, Don Amendolia, Don Hood, Edmund L. Shaff, G. D. Spradlin, Gene LeBell, George Steele, Gregory Walcott, Gretchen Becker, Jeffrey Jones, Jesse Hernandez, Jim Boyce, Jim Myers, John Rice, Johnny Depp, Joseph R. Gannascoli, Juliet Landau, King Cotton, Korla Pandit, Lena Banks, Leonard Termo, Lionel Decker, Lisa Malkiewicz, Lisa Marie, Louis Lombardi, Martin Landau, Mary Portser, Matthew Barry, Maurice LaMarche, Max Casella, Melora Walters, Mickey Cottrell, Mike Starr, Ned Bellamy, Norman Alden, Patricia Arquette, Patti Tippo, Ralph Monaco, Ralph Moratz, Rance Howard, Ray Baker, Rayder Woods, Reid Cruickshanks, Ric Mancini, Ross Manarchy, Sarah Jessica Parker, Stanley DeSantis, Tommy Bertelsen, Vasek Simek, Vincent D'Onofrio, Vinny Argiro