The night before his grandson, Tommy Grayson, a mechanic at the Midland Aircraft Corporation, is to marry Gail, a former showgirl, Major Matt Grayson, a...
Director Harold Young
Genres Action, Drama
Casts Arleen Whelan, Byron Foulger, Charles Williams, Charley Grapewin, Donald Douglas, Dorothy Peterson, Edwin Stanley, Fern Emmett, Forbes Murray, Frank Darien, Frank Reicher, Gordon Oliver, Guy Kingsford, Hank Patterson, Horace McMahon, Ivan Miller, J. Anthony Hughes, J. M. Kerrigan, Jack Rice, Jane Keckley, Jean Joyce, Joe Sawyer, John Dilson, Johnny Russell, Knox Manning, Lucien Littlefield, Maude Eburne, Minerva Urecal, Pat Flaherty, Paul Guilfoyle, Raymond Bailey, Roy Gordon, Sarah Edwards, Wade Boteler, Walter Wills, William Haade, William Ruhl, Winifred Drew