Tired of the crime overrunning the streets of Boston, Irish Catholic twin brothers Conner and Murphy are inspired by their faith to cleanse their hometown...
Director Troy Duffy
Genres Action, Crime, Thriller
Casts Angelo Tucci, Anthony Chrysostom, Billy Connolly, Bob Marley, Brian Mahoney, Carlo Rota, Chris Brinker, Chris Flockton, Darren Marsman, David Della Rocco, David Ferry, Derek Murchie, Don Carmody, Dot-Marie Jones, Elizabeth Saunders, Gerard Parkes, Gina Sorell, James Binkley, Jeanna Fine, Jeffrey R. Smith, Jimmy Tingle, Joe Pingue, Jonathan Higgins, Kevin Chapman, Lauren Piech, Layton Morrison, Lizz Alexander, Markus Parilo, Nicholas Pasco, Norman Reedus, Peter Windrem, Richard Fitzpatrick, Robert B. Kennedy, Robert Pemberton, Roberta Angelica, Ron Jeremy, Scott Griffith, Sean Patrick Flanery, Sergio Di Zio, Tom Barnett, Victor Pedtrchenko, Willem Dafoe