The new season of “American Dreamz,” the wildly popular television singing contest, has captured the country’s attention, as the competition looks to be between a...
Director Mary Anne Seward, Paul Weitz
Genres Comedy, Drama, Family
Casts Adam Busch, Aldis Hodge, Andrew Divoff, Beau Holden, Bernard White, Bruce Garrick, Carmen Electra, Chao Li Chi, Chris Klein, Christianne Klein, Daniel Weiss, Danny Ehrhardt, Dennis Quaid, Haaz Sleiman, Hugh Grant, James Gleason, Jay Harik, Jeff Ross, Jennifer Coolidge, John Cho, John Griffin, Joshua Wade, Judy Greer, Karen-Eileen Gordon, Kevin Makely, Kevin R. Kelly, Lawrence Pressman, Lisa K. Wyatt, Mandy Moore, Marcia Gay Harden, Marley Shelton, Megan Evanich, Michael D. Roberts, Mike Batayeh, Nicholas Schutt, Niki J. Crawford, Noureen DeWulf, P.D. Mani, Perrey Reeves, Sam Golzari, Samantha Jade Gibbs, Sarah Culberson, Seth Meyers, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Tim Rhoze, Tony Yalda, Trey Parker, Wally Lozano, Willem Dafoe